Fiverr low competition gigs for graphic designers: Fiverr becomes a popular online marketplace where the buyer and selling can sell their services efficiently. It provides a platform where the business person can hire the worker while freelancers can find the appropriate work.

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Fiverr provides services in many fields like graphic designing, web designing, content writing, and much more. The graphic designing field gives many opportunities to experienced and freshers. The seller on Fiverr needs to make a gig on Fiverr to find work. You can earn online as a Fiverr Graphic Designer.

Gigs depict the profile where workers define their skills so that the appropriate buyer approaches them. The gig plays an important to gain work from the seller. The gig must be unique to rank on Fiverr as there are millions of gigs available.

There are many gigs available in Fiverr with low competition through which a freelancer can earn a handsome amount of money.

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1. word art

It is a unique gig for startup freelancers. It includes in Fiverr low competition gigs for a graphic designer. The people having creative thinking can provide this service to the buyers. The search for this keyword on Fiverr shows that there are only 834 gigs available.

Fiverr low competition gigs for graphic designers

2. Designing certificates

Certificate designing has low competition gigs. If we search the certificate design keyword, we can find that there are only 1,103 gigs. You can see this in the following picture as well.

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It does not require any specific skills. If you know Photoshop or illustration, then you can effortlessly work with this gig. However, it can also prepare from Canva where many templates for the certificate are available. The unskilled freelancer takes the template from Canva and makes changes accordingly.

3-Menu design

Another Fiverr low competition gig for a graphic designer is menu design. The Fiverr site contains 3,244 gigs about the menu design. It can see in the figure.

The graphic designer can easily prepare the menu cards through photoshop or other related software. However, an unskilled person could work as a menu designer by using Canva.

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4-Tattoo designing 

Tattoo designing is present in Fiverr low competition gigs for a graphic designer. As can be seen from the picture that there are 2,146 gigs available in Fiverr for tattoo design. Tattoo design is artwork. The person with creative skills can work for it to earn money.

5-Signage design

It is a low competition gig used by the graphic designer. Graphic designers prepare the signboard through symbols and signs to present the message. Photoshop or illustrator could use to prepare it effortlessly. 

It can be seen from the picture that there are only 914 gigs available on Fiverr for signage design.

6-car wraps design

 it includes in Fiverr low competition gigs for a graphic designer as very few people have knowledge and interest in car designing. This gig offers the car outer area designing. It is depicted in the image that 1,292 gigs are available for car wrap design.

Photoshop or illustrator used to design car wraps. However, an unskilled person can choose this gig through a freepik web search. 

7-Postcard design

It is also a low competition gig that can be opted for by graphic designers. If you search the postcard design keywords in Fiverr, you can find2,070 gigs with these keywords.

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Gigs with postcard designing provide the services of invitation or business card designing. Many templates are available on the internet to take an idea for postcard designing.

8-catalog design

The catalog designing services in Fiverr offer a way to present the product and services to the people. Graphic designer Freelancer can effortlessly work as a catalog designer. It can be seen from the image that there are 2,023 gigs available in Fiverr with this keyword.

The graphic designer can work as a catalog designer through using photoshop or illustrator. The designer can find templates from the internet as well.

9- Infographics

It includes in the list of Fiverr low competition gigs for a graphic designer. It can be seen from the picture that there are 5,667 gigs available on the list. 

The freelancer with creative skills can work on infographics. The tool needed for creating the infographics is Photoshop.

10- Book layout Typesetting

it includes in the list of Fiverr low competition gigs for a graphic designer. As there are very few gigs available in the Fiverr search so the graphic designer can choose it and earn money. The picture depicting that there are 427 gigs available with this keyword. The only skill needed is to use Photoshop efficiently.

The graphic designer can work effortlessly as Book layout Typesetter because it does not require any new skills. If the freelancer can find any difficulty, then they can take help from youtube.

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11-Cartoon comics:

it is a very low competition gig on Fiverr for a graphic designer. A graphic designer can work on Fiverr as a cartoon comics creator with some necessary skills. It will give you a boost in your career as there are very few gigs available. The search on Fiverr with this keyword provides only 533 results. 

The graphic designer can effortlessly work as cartoon comics through using Photoshop or illustrator. Many templates are also available at canva for the cartoon comics.

12- Trade booth design

 It is also a low competition Fiverr gig that freelancers can choose to start a career. It can be seen from the image that there are only 318 gigs available with this keyword search. A graphic designer could easily do this and can take help from YouTube. There are many videos available on the internet to help the freelancer in this field.

13- Resume design

 It is a very emerging Fiverr gig as a graphic designer are choosing these gigs very much. It requires knowledge of Photoshop and the template set. It can be seen from the image that the gigs result with this keyword contains 4,224 results.

 Graphic designers are growing in this field, still many spaces available there for new freelancers.

Authors: Jack John & Alexa Smith

Jack and Alexa have been working in the online earning space for 4 years and have interviewed multiple Upwork, Fiverr sellers to get the actual insights about these freelance platforms.

Chief Editor & SEO Auditor: Adila Z.

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