By Adila Z.

You must have gone through a number of guides on how to start a blog to earn. Right? Well, I agree that there is a lot of quality material on the internet regarding this topic. However, the thing which I found missing in most of the posts is honesty and this is the very reason that I decided to write this post.

Important to Know! Very Important Rather!

Let me give you one interesting piece of information here. This topic has a lot of earning potential as anyone can add affiliate links into the post where you will click and they will earn. SImple. Yeah?

Well, there is no harm to add affiliate links but most of the suggested services inside the posts which tell you how to start a blog are biased and based on the affiliate earning potential.

The more the affiliate earning the more stress will be there to get those services.

Now, here at, I will share the honest earning potential of each service along with the pros and cons. So, keep reading if you do not want to regret a purchase afterward!

Note: It is true that there are affiliate links in this post but the quality of information has not been compromised for a few bucks. You will feel the same after reading the whole post.

For so many people, blogging is just like ideal work. You could be your supervisor, working from anywhere and earn money in the background. Because of all these benefits, many people begin blogs to earn profits online.

You might have read some great achievements regarding bloggers who make a lot of money. Lindsay Ostrom, for instance, began her blog Pinch of Yum as a side project. The teaching assistant then turned her blog into a full-time job. 

As per COVID19’s present condition, blogging appears as one of the greatest options available to anyone with effective communication abilities. In fact, blogging isn’t going away; it is simply evolving. With the outdated approaches, we simply cannot achieve.

What is a blog?

Term Blog is an abridged form of “weblog” which is a phrase for webpages that observe sequential report details. A blog is a platform that contains daybook scripts and references To assignments on dissimilar forums, and it is typically organized as a series of posts in backward sequential form.

Blogs consist of different ideas and content, from private to government, and can concentrate on one idea or vast spectrum of subjects. Some of the sites are dedicated to a single subject, such as website designing, home organizing, fitness, or smartphone computing. 

Many are more creative, providing references to a variety of other websites. 

Others are more like historical documents, describing the writer’s daily performances and nations. Blogs share a few characteristics in general:

  • A key topic area of posts arranged sequentially with the most recent at the end. Articles are sometimes organized into groups. A collection of previously published papers. 
  • A place where readers can submit feedback on the stories.
  • A “blogroll” (a collection of references to other similar websites).

Who is a Blogger?

A blogger is someone who holds or operates a blog, over and above someone who manages it. This includes, but is not limited to, writing stories on fresh topics, content, presenting the most recent news, thoughts, and research papers. Blog posts are the term for such articles.

How to Start a Blog to Make Money (Easy 10-step Guide)

Here are 10 steps that I recommend you follow to start your own blog today.

Yeah, today! Come on it’s really easy!

There are many things to buy when it gets to the earning aspect. For making a blog, there are five key aspects to remember. You should go over these phases once. If you are familiar with these details, you can take a website online in 20 minutes fewer. 

Step 1. See are you ready to start a blog?

Whenever anyone asks me “how to start a blog”, then my first question is always like, “what do you think is your patience level?”

There is a solid reason behind this question.

Blogging is for those who are patient especially when it comes to earning!

Adila Z

Yes! It’s my own golden words!

Well, you need to sit to months (if not years) to start an actual earning form the blog. So, if you want some quick way to start earning then I won’t recommend you blogging. Never waste time in your life.

Have some other idea to earn online faster! Not blogging actually!

Is there a quick way to earn through blogging?

Actually yes!

It can be done with a heap of spamming and creating fake backlinks. It is a quick way to earn but I would never recommend doing it as it is against Google policies. Your blog will get noticed and your business will fall into ashes within a few moments.

Then, why to invest efforts on an unreliable earning source?

Let’s jump to the next step!

Step 2. Navigate your Passion

It is important to keep your interest intact in blogging.

You must have a passion for writing. Is it so? By the way, it is not important to be a writer to start blogging so do not worry if you are not a player of words.

Let’s say you have a pet and want to write about pets’ life.

You can start blogging about any topic under the sun but one thing is there to keep in focus.

Is your passion or fiend of interest really will give you some earning?


Suppose you started writing about historical facts. I don’t think you will earn a lot in fields like this as there are only a few people interested in history and secondly there are not a lot of products you can sell and earn from blogging.

Hope you got the idea!

When learning how to start blogging to make money, you should have a crystal clear idea of what is the earning potential of the filed.

Step 3. How to see the earning potential of your selected blogging filed?

There are a lot of ways to know the earning potential of a specific field before you start a blog. However, 2 simple rules are here:

  1. Are there ads about the topic?

Time to start working!

Open your favorite (or available) browser.

Type your field on interest.

See, if there are ads out there.

Let’s take the example of “History”.

Here is a screenshot when I searched “history”.

There are 3 top searches but none of them is an add. What does it mean?

Do not start a blog to make money in this field.

History is a big keyword and there is no ad on it which means there is not investment coming into it.

Now, let’s take another example!

I searched “hiking trips in Europe” and here is what I got.

There are ads, so if hicking is your piece of cake then start blogging now.

One Interesting thing here!

Search “hicking” and see the results.


No ads!

Well, this is because no one searches for hicking as a word with a buying intent. Got the point?

However, the case is not the same with history.

No ads with American History and you can find the other words too.

If you are still confused about searching the right niche to start a blog then contact us and we will suggest you the best.

Step 4. Choosing a Category as well as a Title

Activities of the site should be the market (subject) that you’ll be focusing on. Choose a theme that interests you. Also, make sure that your domain has enough attention and the audience is searching for information relevant to it.

You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a name for your blog. You may use your first name, last name, or a mixture of both. You may also include an explanatory term blend.

Step 5. Choosing the Most Appropriate Blogging Site

The second phase is to determine the best forum in order to start working on your own blog site. There are several forums available that hold a set of capabilities. 

I suggest WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger if you are serious about blogging.

Step 6. Getting a Username and Blog Hosting

Whatever niche you select, a username is a title by which your blog would be identified digitally. It’s a unique web page on the World wide web.

Blogs are built based on a hosting service. Choosing the worst web host will sabotage your blog’s progress. I prefer Bluehost because it is offering a free domain, reliability, a money-back guarantee, and has excellent customer service.

Step 7. Get a domain name

What is a domain name?

You are reading this post on So, is the domain name here.

This is basically the name of the website.

How to select a domain name to start a blog?

Have your keyword in the domain name.

See, this blogging website is all about online earning so we selected the domain name with the keyword “online money”.

Try to find the exact match which is a hard nut to crack. If you cannot find the exact match then add some relevant words.

For example, if you are interested in pets then have the word “Pets” in your domain.

Important to know!

If you commit a mistake in domain name then you will have to fall into a lot of technical stuff to change it. So, select it with care!

Step 8. Select a hosting Provider

This is the second place where you can commit a mistake and they will be an EXPENSIVE MISTAKE.

Well, most of the information you must have come across the internet must have suggested some specific hosting depends on how much they pay them as an affiliate.

Here, I have added some hosting services along with their pros and cons and affiliate potentials.

Let’s take a look at some mainstream hosting providers to start a blog.


You must have listened or read a lot about Bluehost while searching on how to start a blog.


Well, Bluehost spends a lot on their adverts and affiliates.

Pros of Bluehost

  1. One of the most trusted hosting providers
  2. Most of the bloggers use it!

Creating and Updating a Blog 

It’s not necessary to be a skilled website originator or innovator anymore to create your blog. Many pre-designed downloadable blog designs and obtainable on websites like

As soon as you’ve installed WordPress, you’ll be capable of selecting from a number of themes focused upon your preferred design or title and color theme.

Getting Necessary Details

Your first move into the blogging community is to start a journal. You must, therefore, study more to be competitive and raise profits online.

Tips and Steps for Starting a Blog

1. Keep it Simple and Straightforward

Your blog should be so simple that even a 12-year-old kid should be able to understand it. Don’t make anything complex and I would say don’t even use a complex name for your blog.

2. Opening Line or Section with a Strange/Funny Twist

Even on a company website, just a little humor can go a ways away. But don’t be ashamed to have some fun every time. It’s going to hit the public’s attention whenever handled stylishly (but often not so artfully).

3. Answer Queries in Best Possible Way

You always can’t help to think about a response when somebody makes a request. The user should respond in kind, and maybe you will begin a discussion with them right away.

But be cautious. Queries that could be replied either “yes” or “what knows” could be avoided. To put it another way, please tailor the request to an expectation of an audience.

4. Ask Questions From the Audience

To make a connection with your audience and to keep them comfortable on your blog, you should ask questions in your content. Make the questions important for readers and see your blog going up.

5. Share a Startling Reality or Figure

If you have seen the front page of a gossip column like the NY Times or perhaps the Wall Street Journal, you’ll understand just how effective this strategy could be. Propaganda appeals to the public, particularly ones based on fact.

6. Share a Life Story

It is a fantastic way of engaging the followers on a profound level. I’m supposing you’re into that kind of stuff. This isn’t a “strategy,” but more a valid feeling of the character and passion for openness. Often, if you’re used to publishing only work blogs, you also might want to relax into one that’s a little more personal.

7. Withdraw a Valuable Fact

That method often referred to as “the taunt,” is deceptive yet extremely efficient. That important thing is to keep a key type of wisdom hidden until earlier in the story, causing the audience to be forced to study history.

8. Dispel Irrational Beliefs

It is indeed a favorite of mine. The mainstream media is sometimes referred to as a giant “information bubble.” This might not be valid, but the fact of the matter is if every time you read anything that needs to be challenged, it will be noticed. Just make sure a lot of the essay supports it.

9. Introduce Yourself With Such a Roaring Success

This is much more convincing and motivating when learning about another’s success? It is a method of capturing the attention of the readers. So it is excellent for content aggregation. The best part is that it wouldn’t have to become your own positive story.

10. Begin an Inquiry From the Audience

As I explained earlier, questioning from the audience is fantastic. A primary reason for this is that they can almost always be certain that other individuals are asking the same thing. 

This is also a lot simpler to respond to a particular request instead of having to rely upon your knowledge.

How Much Money Do Bloggers Make?

Although the volume of cars you get does not directly relate to your earnings potential, the more visibility you get, the more and more funds you will make.

If you commercialize the blog through Mediavine advertising, company endorsements, and elevated associate items, 1 million daily pageviews will earn you anything between $3000 to $6000 a year.

Several good writers earn between $10,000 and $1 million a year. As a result, it’s fair to assume that there’s no limit to how much money you can make here!

Take a look at others earnings findings that are updated regularly. It is really simple to install it as it requires only twenty minutes

Every niche is available to everyone. They can write about something which concerns you on your site. At much less than $4 a quarter, it’s extremely cheap.

High earning opportunity (accepted writers can earn somewhere between $10,000 and $1 million a couple of months).

Benefits of Starting a Blog 

1. Empathy

Empathy poignancy is a term used to describe the process of releasing emotions. Who you’re going through, individual posting will help you get some relief.

You’ll be able to analyze your thoughts to feel hopeful if you write about how you’re heading through. Consider it also blowing off steam and a sorting technique.

2. Discovering New Stuff

When you’re struggling to keep your insights coherently, you’ll be forced to think about new ideas and will almost certainly end up exploring different subjects to back up your statements. This ensures you’ll have more than enough chances to discover new skills and broaden your experience in a variety of fields.

3. Improving Your Spatial Cognition

Writing involves thinking about the form of certain phrases as well as how you interact with us daily. With plenty of practice, the method will become second nature to you, and you’ll notice that you’re a stronger conversationalist in all aspects of your life.

You’ll become able to send good letters, have interesting memories, and sometimes even listen to other people easier.

4. Introducing Yourself to a Group of People

Dependent on who and how you write, you’ll almost certainly attract individuals who share your interests. When you write about a tiny area, for instance, other bloggers within this market segment will notice the work, reflect on it, and connect you to theirs. That’s a simple way of meeting people and forming new friendships over the internet.

5. Creating Your Special Style

Writing allows you to build a brand image, improve your credibility, and demonstrate your knowledge in your selected discipline. This is particularly helpful if you aim to start money from blogging in the potential and if users also have a company.

6. Rising Web Flow

You can also use your new website to generate web traffic that you can either direct towards your main cash page or benefit from through advertising and associate links.

Every interest you create is beneficial if you learn when to capitalize upon this; as a result, if the blog site becomes famous, you will be able to benefit from it.

When Should You Be Worry? 

1. Rather Than Hiring a Specialist, You Can Use Writing 

Instead of finding psychological assistance, many individuals use private blogs as a form of treatment or relaxation. For example, rather than finding a financial advisor, they may discuss their marital problems, or they could discuss their psychological problems rather than pursuing a competent counselor. It’s not a good idea to use blogs as a form of self-expression.

2. Much More Information is Shared on the Internet. 

You should also avoid disclosing far too much privacy. People will finally realize that you’ve used a brand identity to share private info, which based on the nature of that info, may harm your integrity or harm your friendships. That’s also particularly important whether you’re reading about a touchy matter.

3. You Have to Blog for the Sake of Blogging. 

There are several advantages to writing, but unless you put in the effort to accomplish them. Blogging haplessly, without even a plan or vision of what you’d like to accomplish, usually leads to nothing. Rather, ensure the image vision of what you’d like to do and a set of targets to help you get there.

Last Words : How to start a blog?

Finally, while creating a blog appears to be an easy operation in and of itself the difference between simply performing it and utilizing it to its true ability is enormous.

There are a lot of moving pieces! Creating, material organizing, designing, posting, SEO, connection establishing, social networks, mailing lists, blogging, and so on.

I expect you found this article useful and that it will enable you to prevent some of the common errors that some bloggers make. So don’t waste your time and start working on a blog to achieve your goals.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. CoreyDuert

    as nobody else know such detailed about my
    problem. You’re amazing! Thanks!

  2. Raymondseeft


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