#1. Sell Old Items
Its Trend never dies so do not think that you will go out of business at any time except all the world gets rich to afford new clothes!
See Google Trends

Websites to Use
Apps to Use
Who can do it?
Everyone having old unwanted stuff
Money needed to start
No. You just need old items.
How much can I earn?
Depends what is the worth of your items! You can also check what’s the cost of storage units. If you’re thinking to sell old clothes then check the tips to buy your washing machine for rental property.
#2. Become a Transcriptionist
Comparatively Better trend from past. In Pandemic, businesses are coming online and they need transcription so it is on a rise.
See Google Trends

Sites to Use
Apps to Use
Who can do it?
Everyone who knows a language.
Money needed to start
You just sign in and market your service. Start from FB Ads and reach influencers.
How much can I earn?
Depends what is the worth of your language in the market. “According to PayScale, the median transcriptionists’ salary is $15.22 per hour.” We hire English native 10 minutes transcription for $3.50.
This is the best rate may be anyone can get.
#3. Become a Consultant
Steep and consistent way of earning!
See Google Trends

Sites to Use
Apps to Use
Who can do it?
Everyone who knows some skill.
Money needed to start
You just sign in with consultation agencies or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads and reach influencers and teaching community.
How much can I earn?
“According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a consultant is $79,526/year, with the low end being $53,000 and the high end reaching $119,000. But remember, that’s the average across every field of consulting in the United States. So consultants in some fields earn much higher, and others earn much lower.”
Learn more about Dave Ramsey Budget Percentages to deliver better business consultation.
#4. Resell Stuff Online
Trend is going up! Grab it!
See Google Trends

Apps to Use
Mercari (app)
Who can do it?
Everyone who has some products to sell.
Money needed to start
You need money to purchase products.
You just sign in with sites or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads and reach influencers and freelance community.
How much can I earn?
“According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a consultant is $79,526/year, with the low end being $53,000 and the high end reaching $119,000. But remember, that’s the average across every field of consulting in the United States. So consultants in some fields earn much higher, and others earn much lower.”
#5. Tutor
Improved demand as people are home and want to learn.
See Google Trends

Sites to USE
Apps to Use
Who can do it?
Everyone who has some skill to sell.
Money needed to start
You need money to have PC/Laptop and sign in for Tutor sites.
You just sign in with sites or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads and reach influencers and teaching community.
How much can I earn?
“The median hourly salary for a private tutor is $17.53. Median means that half the people in the job earn more while half earn less. A private tutor salary can vary depending on a number of factors, including geographic location.” (Chron)
#6. Invest
Consider it. It is ever green if you have some money to invest!
See Google Trends

Sites to Use
Who can do it?
Everyone who has STRONG business skill.
You can start from $500. (Source: investor.com)
Money needed to start
You need money to start.
You just sign in with sites or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads, Google Ads and reach influencers and business community.
How much can I earn?
Sky is the limit – the more you invest the higher you earn.
#7. Dropshipping
See and decide yourself!
See Google Trends

Sites to Use
Apps to Use
Who can do it?
Everyone who has STRONG research skills as you need to search the perfect and affordable products.
Money needed to start
You need money to start.
You just sign in with sites or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads, Google Ads and reach influencers and business community.
How much can I earn?
Sky is the limit – the more you invest time, money & energy, the higher you earn.
#8. Private Label Product
It was on a dip but getting traction again as businesses are coming online.
See Google Trends

Sites to Use
Apps to Use
Not Applicable
Who can do it?
Everyone who has bit marketing knowledge to sell PLR.
Money needed to start
You need money to start.
You just sign in with sites or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads, and reach influencers and writer community.
How much can I earn?
Most of the times you earn to pay bills – good for students.
#9. Sell Handmade Goods
Comparatively better market but do it with caution and see what sells now and what can sell after COVID.
See Google Trends

Sites to Use
Apps to Use
Facebook Marketplace
Big Cartel
Who can do it?
Everyone who has skill to make homemade goods.
Money needed to start
You need money to make your products.
You just sign in with sites or start your own and market your service. Start from FB Ads, and reach influencers and crafts community.
How much can I earn?
“25% businesses under $300 (there were several people who said they considered this a “hobby”, and I’ve taken them out of the results) 31% business between $300 – $1000. 21% businesses between $1000 – $10,000. 8% businesses over $10,000.” (Source: Taraswiger)
Thanks for visiting and downloading this guide. If you have any questions regarding online earning, feel free to contact [email protected].
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Author: Adila Z.
Google & Hubspot certified professional copywriter with a specialization in blogging and copywriting writing. Being the owner of 6 websites and 1 digital marketing agency, her expertise in online entrepreneurship is second to none.