Here, on the online money line, we provide public service to uses. By Signing in, you agree to get our promotional emails and updates on our website.

The use of this website means your unconditional agreement to follow the rules. If you (User) do not agree then kindly do not use the site and/or do not providing any information here.

The site owner reserves the right to update the rules and regulations at any time without any prior notice.

These TOS do not apply to any third party which you see or get links to from this website. We are not responsible for any issue (any kind of problem or synonyms) you face due to the third party you see on this website or get information about it.

You can use all the information which you get from the site only for information purposes. You will not use any information to violate any type of law in the whole world or beyond.

You cannot violate any copyrights while uploading any type of data here also you cannot violate the copyrights of the website. Also, you cannot upload any type of virus or similar on the website.

You will use only appropriate language here and if anyone violates the rule then it is their own action. The site owner is not responsible for that.

You are not allowed to use any information of any user’s personal which you may get on the website. We do not want to get any confidential information but if you share any information then that will be treated as confidential.

By using this site, you comply with the privacy policy of our site and disclaimer as well.

None of our products is refundable in any case.

Some of the links which you will get may contain affiliate links and we get commission after when you use those links for any purpose including purchase and clicking them.

You will give the right and accurate (all synonyms) information on the site. The website owner can change or edit any type of information that he/she thinks is suspicious.

You are responsible to protect any type of password or id you use on the site. You will also not share your personal information used on the site with anyone. Also, in terms of any technical failure or attack, we are not responsible for the display of your information. We do not sell your information or share it with others. We use it only to improve our site to give the best user experience.

We are not responsible for any losses you face due to breaching the website rules or not having awareness about any rule.

This TOS and all there rules on the website are applicable until terminated by the website owner. If you are dissatisfied then your sole legal remedy is not to use the website.

If you download any material from the site then you are responsible for the any damage to your computer system or any other type of damage. We do not use any malicious technique but if any user does this then we are not responsible.

Site Operator’s Maximum cumulative liability for any type of and/or all claims regarding the website will not be more than 5 (Five) U.S. dollars ($5.00).’

We do not claim that the website will meet your requirements. We are not responsible for any accidental natural or any other type of accident. The use of the website is at your sole risk. We conduct thorough researches but we advise you to go deeper into all the information and check the accuracy. We do not share any information to mislead you however human error or the lack of knowledge may make it happen.

In terms of the usage of the website, you are responsible to comply with all the legal rules.

The website has some links to the other sites and we are not responsible for any legal violation of the sites. Those links have been added to improve the user experience or to boost the earning of this site. We do not use any inappropriate link on the site here but clicking on any third party link is at your own risk.

If you find any copyright issue or any other legal violation on the website (site), kindly contact us.

In case of any type of human or technical error, we are not responsible for the losses.